Consideration of AB 558 Postponed Indefinitely

Bill author Sharon Quirk Silva has pulled Assembly Bill 558 (AB 558) from consideration during next week’s Public Safety Committee hearing.  The bill was scheduled for consideration on June 27, but it is now expected that AB 558 won’t be heard until 2018 if at all.

“The threat of AB 558 has disappeared from the horizon,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci.  “There is language in the original and revised versions of AB 558 that contradicts language in the current version of the Tiered Registry Bill (SB 421).  Perhaps the author is waiting to see the final disposition of SB 421 before she makes a final decision regarding AB 558.”

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Excellent!!! (And letters and phone calls were not wasted. I’m just guessing here, but members of the Senate Public Safety Committee may have told the Bill’s author that they were hearing a lot opposition from constituents.)

Fantastic! Woohoo!!!!!

Thanks for all your hard work calling and writing! Together we have an impact.

Now let’s call and write to support SB 421 tiered registry.

I love seeing the anti-registrant pendulum start to reverse direction!


This bill would have caused more harm!

Not surprising. Lawsuits and injunctive relief were a certainty if this had passed and been made retroactive. Sometimes I think these bills are written as leverage . Like I’ll drop my bill and vote for yours if you get behind my other one.

All of everyone’s work and efforts make a difference!

As I have stated in the Past, I say so again today:

In this Match for Our Rights & Titles as Citizens gifted to us from The Most High,

Surprizes can Be Expected.

Therefore we must continue to be Vigilante for any Obstacles that may be laid before our Path.

I Speak a True Song

As Yehovah Lives, so should we

Good news indeed ! I really doubt Sharon Quirk Silva had an attack of honesty; more likely her un necessary bill doesn’t look good in light of the tiered registry bill.
I have to wonder if anyone ever asked her what happened to make her bill necessary. Did someone excluded from the web site commit a heinous crime? Or did someone excluded from the web site register a day late? Or do those low level victims of the state simply exist and are they some sort of threat in her eyes? I never did hear of a justifiable reason for her to introduce her bill.

Great news! Now it is time for a full court press to make SB 421 a reality. Below is a copy and paste of my letter to California senators.

Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer, Sr.
Capitol Office, Room 2117
P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA

Re: SB 421 – Tiered Registry Bill

Dear Chairman Jones-Sawyer,

I strongly urge you to vote YES on Senate Bill 421. Here is why:

1. According to the California Depart of Corrections and Rehabilitation, the recidivism rate for sex offenders is 0.8% over a five year time scale.

2. 95% of all sex crimes are committed by family members, teachers, coaches and clergy – not people on the sex offender registry.

3. The current registry scheme provides public with false sense of security and does not serve the interests of protecting the public.

4. A tiered registry system would actually increase public safety and make more efficient use of scarce law enforcement resources

It is now time to reform California’s archaic sex offender registry. A yes vote on SB 421 will help achieve that laudable goal.

Thank you.

Full Name
Street address
City, CA ZIP

This has been hanging over my head like the Sword of Damocles since its inception. My life has been hell, with virtually every second constant worry.

Could it be true that this bill is really gone?

The last time Quirk-Silva did this, she brought it back in a revised form.

You mean I wrote and sent all those letters for nothing? 😛

That’s great news! Now to SB 421. Does anyone know if there are more rounds of voting after this, or is it going to the governor’s desk, if it passes now?

This is great news! I’m glad I sent my letters in regardless. There is a lot of recent positivity in very common negative aspect in all of our lives [The Registry]. Let’s continue to communicate and work together on this – all of us. Your current tier level doesn’t matter – we’re gaining traction by working together. 10 years ago I never would have thought any of this would be possible – but it’s happening. Please keep sharing your stories, experiences, wins, and losses. Everyone on this board matters and is very important.

Friendly, I agree! Let’s keep this momentum rolling forward. “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.”!!!! 👍